  1. 照片书
  1. 定制背面卡
  2. 定制正面扑克牌
  3. 定制正反面的扑克牌
  4. 定制卡牌
  5. 拼接照片画卡牌
  6. 定制背部Pinochle扑克牌
  7. 定制正反面Pinochle卡牌
  1. 照片拼图
  2. 双面拼图
  3. 拼接照片拼图
  4. 拼图邀请函
  5. 拼图邀请函(颜色和文字)
  6. 托盘拼图
  7. 心形拼图
  8. 圆形拼图
  9. 个性化的圆形拼图
  1. 儿童多米诺骨牌
  2. 匹配游戏
  1. 折叠照片卡
  2. 平面片卡
  3. 动画卡片
  4. 3D卡片
  5. 拼接图片鼠标垫
  6. 心形鼠标垫
  7. 圆形鼠标垫
  8. 矩形鼠标垫
  9. 笔记本
  10. 动画书签
  1. 照片零钱包(两面相同)
  2. 照片零钱包(每面设计不同)
  1. 挂历
  2. 台历
  1. 电脑套(单面定制)
  2. 电脑套(双面定制)
  3. 定制姓名或缩写的电脑套
  4. 笔记本保护套
  5. 手机外壳
  1. 磁胶照片
  2. 磁胶名片
  3. 磁胶邀请函
  4. 磁铁徽章
  5. 含针的徽章
  1. 手提袋包
  2. 可重复使用的购物袋
  3. 双面可重复使用的购物袋
  4. 定制字母的手提袋
  5. 棉质手提袋(单面定制)
  6. 棉质手提袋(双面定制)
  1. 化妆包(两侧相同图片)
  2. 化妆包(每侧不同的设计)
  3. 刺绣化妆包
  1. 腕带手提包(两侧相同图像)
  2. 腕带手提包(每侧不同设计)
  1. 人字拖(左右一张图片)
  2. 人字鞋(左右两个图像)
  1. 狗牌吊坠项链(刻字)
  2. 狗牌吊坠项链(打印照片和刻字)
  3. 宠物狗牌(定制正面)
  4. 宠物狗牌(定制正面和背面)
  1. T恤
  2. 运动衫
  3. 帽衫
  4. 棒球帽
  5. 卡车司机帽
  6. 小型镜子
  1. 照片围裙
  2. 个性化定制围裙
  3. 围裙礼品套装
  4. 软木杯垫
  5. 瓷杯垫
  6. 木框
  7. 照片拼接时钟
  8. 亚克力挂钟
  9. 拼图时钟
  10. 字母时钟
  11. 照片水瓶
  12. 瓷器装饰
  13. 木饰品
  14. 玻璃装饰
  15. 门垫
  16. 餐垫
  17. 照片立方体
  18. 刻字的立方体
  19. 照片海报
  20. 海报日历



把鼠标光标放在 照片礼品 标签,然后单击 围裙 下的文字 照片围裙




Click the green Personalize it... icon


Upload and add your photo(s)

  1. Click on upload images to view the files on your computer's hard drive, floppy drive or digital camera.
  2. Image Requirements
    NOTE: If the image size, resolution or format is below our minimum requirements, you will receive an error message. Please rescan your image at a higher resolution or select another image. Please refer to our Image Requirements for more information.

  3. Select the image file you wish to upload and click Open.
    Uploaded images are located inside the Photo Album box on the right side of the screen

  4. Drag and drop the image onto the Drag Image Here area
  5. Click the edit icon under the image to edit the image and click apply when completed.
  6. To rotate image (Blue):
    Click on the button under text Rotate Image

    To resize and reposition image (Red)
    Drag the corner handles to size the frame to the desired size, and reposition the red rectangle over the portion of the image where you want it to be.

    To apply color effect to your image (Green)
    Click the button next to each effect option

  7. Click on next step button when you finish all the editing. You can always go back to previous page to make changes by clicking on the previous icon.


Add your text

  1. Click the green add text button
  2. Move the text label Your Text Here to anywhere within the template
  3. Type your message under Write Message box
  4. Change font style, color, size and text alignment under Message Style
  5. Click on next step button at top-right when you are ready. You can always go back to previous page to make changes by clicking on the previous icon


Preview your design and Add to Cart

You will see a preview of your personalized item at this step. Click previous button at the bottom of the page if you need to make any changes to your design.

  1. Tick the checkbox to approve your design and to confirm you own the copyrights of them or have authorization to use them.
  2. Click on the add to cart button

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